

Mixed Gas Diving

International Textbook of Mixed Gas Diving: Theory, Technique, Application.

Worldwide exploitation of marine resource, especially the utilization of oil and gas resources, was impossible before recent enormous progress in diving and dive technology. The use of mixed gases and modern dive techniques has opened completely new dimensions for underwater exploration. Diving operations of several weeks' duration, at depths down to 300 msw and more, are standerd today.

This book on mixed gas/saturation diving, based mainly on UK, French, and U.S. sources, gives a comprehensive overview of modern diving technology. Some air diving procedures are also included.

The book is directed to professional diving and offshore personnel as well as people interested in the technical aspects of mixed-gas diving. Diving procedures for depths of more than 165 feet (50 msw), methods for extending bottom times, and diving in contaminated waters are among the topics examined. In addition, the theoretical basics of mixed gas/saturation diving and gas management are discussed, with practice-oriented calculations and examples.

Decompression and treatment procedures comprise a large part of the book. Only technical methods, not medical issues, are included. Medical questions are referred to existing comprehensive references. Finally, safety and safety regulations, techniques for working offshore, and working conditions are discussed.

For further information about special topics, more than 130 references are provided. Throughout the text, references are noted with the reference number in brackets, i.e. [21]. This book is based on training activities of diving and topside personnel at the GKSS Research Center Geesthacht (GUSI).

By Heinz K.J. Lettnin.

Engelstalig, zwart/wit tekeningen.

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