

Underwater Caribbean

Underwater Caribbean.

The Caribbean Sea, a living turquoise mirror, embraces islands that fire the imagination and feed our dreams. In these waters rich in history, myth and natural wonders rise islands overflowing with colors and scents, with the vibrant rhythms of Carib-Afro-Latino-American dance and with cultures reflecting long-ago Old World settlers. The waters that lap the golden shores have surprising depths, the realm of marine fauna and flora of incomparable beauty - fish, reefs, and coral as fascinating as any the world offers. Guiding the reader on an exciting voyage among brilliant-hued marine life - angelfishes, sharks, manatees, sea fans, coral reefs and more - is Kurt Amsler, a renowned underwater-photographer and admired writer. His engaging narrative and matchless photographs make this fully illustrated volume an unrivaled guide to the Caribbean, the ultimate Eden, a submerged world that offers an enchanting vacation in a paradise of nature that dazzles the imagination.

By Kurt Amsler.

Engelstalig, kleuren foto's.

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