

The Art of Diving

The Art of Diving: and adventure in the underwater world.

"Come, dive into Nick Hanna and Alexander Mustard's bright blue world. This is the best book about diving since Jacques Cousteau's The Silent World. Here turtels bow, flounders court, sharks skulk and, best of all, divers leap, soar and even meditate. Alex has a unique eye. This is dynamic underwater imagery at its best." David Doubilet.

"This book beautifully reveals the deepest secrets of our love affair with the liquid world." Tim Ecott.

Nick Hanna's engaging text brilliantly brought to life by Alexander Mustard's amazing collection of award winning images.

The lure of the underwater world, meetings with remarkable creatures, the art of fish watching, free diving, the fate of the oceans and more.

Remarkable photographs convey the experience of diving as never before and allow the reader to share in the authors' fascinating journey into the magical ocean world.

Every facet of the experience of being underwater is explored in this remarkable book which captures the soul of scuba diving.

For the armchair reader as well as the enthusiast - a compelling inner voyage of self- discovery.

By Nick Hanna.

Photographed by Alexander Mustard.

Engelstalig, kleuren foto's.

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