

Dive Australie

Dive Australie: A guide to SCUBA diving locations and services.

Scuba diving is Australia's fastest growing sporting activity. With 90% of our population having easy access to our 35.000 kilometre coastline, more and mpre people are taking the plunge into what Cousteau once called the Silent World. Scuba diving services have grown to professional shops with modern dive charter boats and a high standard of dive instruction.

DIVE AUSTRALIA guides, the reader on a circumnavigation of the Australian coast, the offshore islands, the Great Barrier Reef, and our Pacific and Indian Ocean islands. The main dive sites are briefly described, together with the dive shop and charter boat services available. Although prepared with the qualified diver in mind, those contemplating a trip downunder for the first time will find Dive Australia just as valuable.

This Third Edition has taken photo/journalist Peter Stone over twelve months to prepare. As one of Australia's most experienced divers, Peter has dived many of the sites mentioned, and has used local knowledge from over fifty other experienced divers to cover the complete coastline. More than three hundred and fifty dive services are listed.

DIVE AUSTRALIA is the only comprehensive guide to Australian scuba diving locations and services in one volume, a highly valuable and readable book.

By Peter Stone.

Engelstalig, zwart/wit foto's.

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