

Andrew Whitehead - Solomon Quest

Solomon Quest.

Underwater adventurer Jim Lawrie is lured to the Solomon Islands by an offer to explore a newly discovered wreck. Diving from the M.V. Solomon Explorer, Jim identifies the wreck as a Japanese submarine from World War Two. Rumours of smuggled treasure are a regular occurrence in the Solomons, and a story quickly spreads that the wreck contains a large shipment of gold.

The beautiful, feisty and independent Rene Armstrong is also on board ship for a diving holiday. The two soon join forces to explore the deep, mysterious wreck, ward off the Japanese dive team who are keen to recover the gold, and the deadly local gangsters eager to steal the bullion for themselves.

Jim's quest takes him to the very limits of normal scuba diving and into life-threatening danger as he struggles to uncover a secret that has rested on the sea floor since WWII. 

By Andrew Whitehead.


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