

U.S. Navy Seal Combat Manual

U.S. Navy Seal Combat Manual.

The purposes of the Naval Special Warfare Training Handbook are:

To provide under one cover, a ready reference on matters of importance to members of Underwater Demolition Teams.

To provide information helpful to members of SEAL Teams, especially with respect to basic techniques and equipment.

To serve as a textbook resource for instructors conducting Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Team training (BUD/S), in conjunction with the U.S. Navy Diving Manual (NAVSHIPS 250-583), Demolition Materials (NAVWBPS OP 2212), and supplementary handouts as necessary.

To provide guidance for members of staffs responsible for the employment of UDT's, as well as any other persons interested in UDT's, and their role within the Naval Special Warfare community.

The Training Handbook is not intended to replace or supersede specific resourses such as listed above and in Appendix VII, but rather to supplement them and tie together useful information relevant to UDT/SEAL operations.

By R. G. Brereton.

Engelstalig, zwart/wit foto's.

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