

Underwater Navigation

Underwater Navigation.

As a new diver, just certified, a compass doesn't seem to be a priority. The depth, pressure, and computer gauges seem to be of more interest. All of these items or gauges read out what you want to know. A compass takes a little more brain work so perhaps it is over looked by new divers thinking that depth, temperature, and remaining air are the most important. For the most part the basic certification course doesn't really get into compass navigation. Therefore, there seems to be a number of new divers following other divers around underwater.

I, as well as many other people have had the experience of going into the forest or woods hunting, backpacking, and fishing at an early age. Because of this, we may have a knack for marking or taking visual sightings in order to find the way back, but under water, it is a different story. Some divers have a little better ability to keep a sense of direction, but given the current, visibility, and available light, it's much more difficult than walking in the forest by remembering trees or a particular turn in the creek or stream. These thing are top side, but under water at one time or another in your diving experience you are going to need a compass, more than you ever knew. So bear with us for these few chapters and I am sure you will become a better navigator.

Recreational diving translated is to "have fun!" Yes, diving is a fun activity and we should strive to make this diving activity as fun as humanly possible. Diving has always been an unusual sport in the sense that it is a cerebral intensive sport. Considering how much time and energy we put into the whole process of sport diving, anything we can do to improve it is a plus. Figuring out where you're going and where you've been is a necessity. Every day of our lives is spent figuring out this very dilemma. This book will attempt to help the sport diver figure out, in layman in terms, how to tame the navigational beast.

The authors of this book have taken in to consideration that the readers of this book have a basic knowledge of navigation. We use navigational tools most every day of our lives. We navigate to the grocery store to buy our food and to work each day and so on. The main point here is that we have the skills necessary. To hone those skills and adapt to the underwater environment. Most recently, I had the wonderful fortune to assist a new-be automobile-driving candidate. This experience brought to mind how much trouble the majority of us have when first learning how to get around town. That's right, navigating around town. We take it for granted that most of us have become very comfortable on the roadway. Now all we need to do is adapt these skills to our underwater playground.

By C. Royer & M. Scott.

Engelstalig, zwart/wit foto's.

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