

TREASURE The Business & Technology

TREASURE The Business & Technology.

Commercial Marine Archaeology Past, Present and Future... From history through how-to robotics.

First Edition Reviews ...

"Treasure, The Business and Technolgy is the answer to all you ever wanted to know about treasure diving, but didn't know who to ask ... I think OIin's approach is a realistic one ... Fascinating." Skindiver Magazine in "Technifacts" by E.R. Cross.

"Scholarly and factual, yet told with the skill of an accomplished novelist ... If there was a college course on the science of treasure hunting, this study should be the textbook, and OIin should be the professor". Civil War Magazine, S.W. Sylvia, Publisher.

"For shipwreck entrepreneurs, this book is enique. The reader will find a high tech approach to many aspects of underwater enterprise that are not addressed elsewhere ... cogent and compelling. From the Foreword, written by Dr. Eugene Lyon, the world's most well-known Spanish historian. Lyon was titled by King Juan Carlos of Spain, enabled Mel Fisher to find the Atocha, and has published extensively in National Geographic.

"On our 5 star rating system, this book gets all 5 stars, making it the first we have ever bestowed all five upon. Get it. Read it. It is money well spent." Treasure Hunter Confidential, Larry Williams, Publisher.

"Perhaps the best book on treasure ever written." Treasure Quest Journal, Reviewer: Frederick Hollister, Owner of Books of Adventure.

By Phillip S. Olin.

Engelstalig, zwart/wit foto's.

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