

SRT (Special Response Team) Diver

SRT (Special Response Team) Diver.

SRT DIVER is a guide for Special Response Teams involved in, or anticipating underwater operations. The book covers most aspects of law enforcement diving including search, rescue, recovery, underwater investigation and tactical operations. There is also considerable information about surface-supplied diving, haz-mat and polluted water operations, underwater crime scene photography, penetration dives and helicopter deployment.

SRT DIVER will be of value to all municipal police, County Sheriffs and State agency divers, administrators and special operations commanders. It should also be read by Federal Agents, U.S. Coast Guard and military personnel required to work in or around water. Although SRT DIVER was written primarily for law enforcement agencies, other public service will also find many chapters that apply to their specific diving roles.

This book is not intended as an A to Z training manual nor a guide to basic SCUBA. SRT DIVER is an overview of special operations diving in the United States, based on the experience of the author, S.T.T.U. staff and several recognized experts in the field of underwater recovery and investigation.

S.T.T.U. is a training and advisory group dedicated to the training of law enforcement and military teams required to operate in an exceptionally high risk environment. The success behind S.T.T.U.'s training programs is careful research, tried and proven training methods, effective use of audio-visuals and efficient use of training time.

SRT DIVER is the third in a series of books based on the S.T.T.U. training manuals and experience of staff and students alike. SNIPER/COUNTER SNIPER and ADVANCED WEAPONS TRAINING for Hostage Rescue have already proven to be invaluable texts on the training and deployment of special operations teams.


By Mark V. Lonsdale.

Engelstalig, zwart / wit foto's.

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