

Going Down

Going Down: Reflections of a Reluctant Diver.

Hydrophobic, claustrophobic, not to mention sharkophobic... could someone like that ever love diving?

When Amanda Ursell was challenged to learn to dive, she was more than just a little apprehensive. A self-confessed scaredy-cat with a fear of enclosed spaces and a habit of attracting calamity, scuba-diving seemed like the last sport she would ever enjoy. Let alone become addicted to... Going Down: Reflections of a Reluctant Diver is a humorous look at one person's underwater journey of discovery, as she attempts to conquer her fears. From dealing with know-it-alls and crying underwater to being told that 'most sharks are vegetarian' and discovering the wonders of night diving, this is an inspirational story of expanding your horizons and finding a new passion in the process.

Amanda Ursell is an award-winning journalist, author and TV presenter. She is GMTV's resident nutritionist and a member of their 'Inch-Loss Island' team, as well as being a columnist for several national papers and magazines, including the Sunday Times, the Sun and Woman's Own. Her love of scuba-diving means she now spent much time as possible under the waves.

By Amanda Ursell with Gérald Rambert.

Engelstalig, zwart/wit tekeningen.

17,97 12,12
U bespaart: 33%
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