

Dry Suit Diving: A Guide to Diving Dry, Third Edition

Dry Suit Diving: A Guide to Diving Dry, Third Edition.

About the Author:

Steve Barsky

Steve Barsky has been diving since 1965 and has been a diving instructor since 1970. He holds a master's degree from the University of California and an A.S. in Marine Diving Technology. Steve worked as a commercial oilfield diver for 6 years, making saturation dives to 580 feet. He has worked for, and consulted to, numerous diving equipment manufacturers and organizations, including Viking; U.S. Divers Co., Inc.; DAN; SSI; Draeger; and Zeagle Systems. A professional underwater photographer and writer, Steve has written eleven diving texts and authored numerous articles.

Dick Long

Dick Long has been diving since 1958 and has been designing and inventing diving equipment since that time. He became a diving instructor in 1960 and attended the very first NAUI instructor course. He is the president of Diving Unlimited International (DUI), an international diving equipment manufacturing firm. Under Dick's direction, DUI has developed numerous pieces of diving equipment, including the hot water suit for deep commercial diving, in addition to many different types of dry suits and insulation systems for divers.

Bob Stinton

Bob Stinton is the director of research and development, as well as Vice President of Diving Unlimited International. Bob has been actively diving since 1966 and has been a diving instructor since 1972. As co-inventor with Dick Long. Bob holds 9 U.S. and foreign patents in indivdual thermal protection garments and systems. Bob has been involved with numerous diving research programs for the U.S. Navy, the French Navy, and the Norwegian Underwater Technical Institute.

By Steve Barsky, Dick Long and Bob Stinton.

Engelstalig, zwart/wit foto's.

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