

Meeting the Whales

Meeting the Whales: The equinox guide to giants of the deep.

In the deep, dark canyons of the sea live the largest animals on Earth. In Meeting the Whales, author Erich Hoyt pieces together the life histories of the whales that swim the waters of the northern hemisphere, bringing us face-to-face both with these intriguing creatures and with the scientists who study them. From their unique communication skills and underwater acrobatics to the remarkable migrations they undertake annually, these enigmatic giants never fail to fascinate.

The fifth in a series of children's science books produced by the editors of Equinox magazine, Meeting the Whales is beautifully illustrated by whale specialist Pieter Folkens and the work of the world's best wildlife photographers.

By Erich Hoyt.

Engelstalig, kleurenfoto's.

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